A Primary Authorized Official may submit any section 5 document via CDX to EPA. Generally this would be the person who signs the certification page. Who is a Primary Authorized Official and what can a Primary Authorized Official submit?Īn Authorized Official is a person in a company legally responsible for the data in the notice. If you have programmatic questions, please contact Kathryn Schechter at 20 or e-mail of Page Questions about Registration and Software Definitions International callers who wish to contact the Help Desk should call 97. If you have technical issues or problems regarding the e-PMN software or CDX registration, please contact the CDX Help Desk at 88.
Guidance Documents and Sample Forms for Central Data Exchange (CDX) Registration and e-PMN Software. Register for CDX and access the e-PMN software. Primary Authorized Officials, Primary Agents/Consultants. Six types of submitters may register with CDX. In order to access and use the new e-PMN software, all users must register with CDX for the CSPP program service ("CSPP: Submissions for Chemical Safety and Pesticides Programs"). To access CDX, you must pre-register with CDX and be approved by EPA. In order to submit documents electronically to EPA, fill out PMN forms using the e-PMN software and submit through the Central Data Exchange (CDX). Low Exposure/Low Release (LoREX) exemption notices and modifications. Low Volume Exemption (LVE) notices and modifications. Test Market Exemption applications (TMEAs). The PMN form should also be used to submit:
Alternative Control Measures for Significant New Use Rules (SNURs). Support documents for section 5 notices (e.g., correspondence, requests for suspensions of the notice review period, amendments, letters of withdrawal, Transfer of Ownership, and test data). Notices of Commencement of Manufacture (including Import) (NOCs). Biotechnology Notices for genetically modified microorganisms. The e-PMN software enables manufacturers (including importers) of TSCA chemical substances to use the Internet, through EPA's CDX, to submit TSCA section 5 notices to the Agency. How to make amendments for eTSCA original notices. How to upload the eTSCA file into the new e-PMN software. Previous version of the e-PMN software (eTSCA). Questions about Registration and software definitions. Guidance Documents and Sample Forms for Central Data Exchange (CDX) Registration and e-PMN Software. Register for CDX and access the e-PMN software. The CDX Hotline can answer technical questions about the ePMN and CDX at: